Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10) Help

Scripts Prompting for a Filename

When running a script, the user is prompted for a filename. Use the BROWSE command to locate the file.

Syntax: BROWSE {INPUT | OUTPUT} variable ["headline" ["file filter" ]]

The selected filename is returned in the variable given as the parameter. If the keyword INPUT is used, select an existing file. If the keyword OUTPUT is used, select or key-in a filename. If no file is selected, the variable contains an empty string. If the variable already contains a filename when the function is used, the filename is used as the default when the Browse dialog opens.

Headline is used as a header in the Browse dialog. If no headline is given, the default is “Select file.”

The file filter is used to filter the files, from which it is possible to select the default or to select files with a given extension. If no file filer is given the default is “*.dat.”

Example: BROWSE INPUT filename “Select input filel” “*.pkt” BROWSE OUTPUT filename “Select report file” “*.rpt”